I do have friends (I)
Penelope, a textile artist back in my village, wants to sew me. After a strenuous ninety minutes my three-gear folding bicycle gets me to her barn conversion on the windswept moor top. A tree-less, granite-ridden landscape. Under this miserable late-June sky, all is greyscale, bleak, watery.
A great setting for contemplating my novel’s main theme.
She offers lunch. I say I don’t eat cheese. She offers bread. I say I’ve already had my carbs today (porridge oats mixed with my breakfast banana and soya milk). As an afterthought I add I’ve eaten lunch anyway. She asks after the novel. I say it’s now back with this high-powered agent for whom I did a radical rewrite and that I’m just waiting to hear.
– Fingers crossed! says Penelope.
When I am in pose I can see the roof of Conservative Jeremy’s cottage down by the river.
– That was a deep sigh, Suki!
The image Penelope makes of me is a kind one.
This week’s topic
44. Burlesque in the life-room
Personally, as a life-model, it makes me want to run a mile. But is it fun – challenging even – to attend such sessions as a draw-er?
Click on the above topic-heading to add your thoughts to the discussion that’s already underway.
And see here for the full list of discussions on life-drawing and Life to be found on my blog.
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1. Check out Art Model Tips – a comprehensive, info-packed website. It lists life-drawing classes in 55 countries, has great booklists for learning figure-drawing, etc etc etc. I have been e-chatting with its creator, a life-model called Robert based in West Virginia, USA.
2. Hey, would you like to buy this picture of Suki, signed by textile artist Kate Holland? It measures (to outer edge of wooden frame) 28cm x 23cm. It’s currently on my bathroom wall. Make me an offer at This is how skint I am.

3. Have you visited my shop yet?
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KATE HOLLAND has sewn me several times. Kate is a textile artist based in the Yorkshire Dales (i.e. deep countryside). Kate gained her BA (Hons) in Fine Art and retired after many years of teaching at adult, then secondary, levels (Art, Information Technology). Kate completed a Textiles course at Craven College, Skipton (UK) and was part of the Little Green Textiles exhibition at the Gallery on the Green, Settle.
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