Mar 202014


Threshington Memorial Hall

For some it is their first time. When I pull off my black tee-shirt dress, startlingly somebody whoops. Ruby the tutor advises the group – don’t be put off by the fact that she’s got no clothes on. Just think of her as a table.

Thirty minutes in, two ladies leave their drawings to go make the tea. At break-time I am handed my own plate of five chocolate biscuits.

I eat three then feel horribly anxious. If I were bulimic I would throw them up. But I’m not.

This week’s topic

46. Did your school squash Creative You?
Did your school squash your individuality and creativity and any aspirations you might have had that were outside ‘the norm’?

And what do you think of the ‘alternative’ educationalist Ivan Illich?
Click on the above topic-heading to join this discussion.

Or see here for the full list of discussions on life-drawing and Life to be found on my blog.

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1. Please subscribe to my blog. Please.
i) – It will be a valued birthday gift to my manager/minder Sue Vickerman (50 this week*). Sue – failed writer – basks in the reflected glory of my relative success, imagining that it is in some degree due to her. Every new subscription makes her ecstatic.
ii) – Subscribe now and you will be in on the beginning of my sequel TWO SMALL LIVES in 64 episodes commencing May 2014. While A SMALL LIFE (52 episodes) has been more like a series of vignettes, albeit with a narrative thread, my sequel is a gripping drama.
iii) – It’s free. It’s got pictures.
*My birthday is in May, not March, and I am “x” years younger than Ms Vickerman.

Thank you for deciding to subscribe! Either scroll down and click on the link, or email and he’ll add your email address to the list.

2. Does the model’s personality affect the artist’s depiction?
Artist Fiona Halliday wrote this piece after I modelled recently for the renowned Redbrick Mill group (click on the link and scroll down to Batley, UK) – home of Yorkshire’s famous Tom Wood and Tony Noble. Are the group’s portraits of me (see them on Tom‘s famous blog here) about personality?

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Artist of the week

RACHEL LEE is a community artist and ceramicist who tutors at The Hive, Shipley (part of Bradford, UK), which has a fantastic suite of well equipped art studios – definitely do an art course there if you can! Rachel also has much creative involvement in her village, Haworth in Yorkshire, which is a place of pilgrimage for lovers of the famous Bronte novelists.

The above sketch was produced at the Haworth life-drawing group (click on the link and scroll down to Haworth) of which Rachel is a founder member. The group used to meet in the Haworth Youth Hostel but is having a temporary break due to low numbers. Let ’em know if you’d like to join ’em!

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