Aug 072013


Shipton College

Not warm, not well organised, not well paid. The Art Foundation class. I love it.

Shivery students keep leaving their easels to go warm their denimed bottoms on the long ineffectual radiators in this tin-roofed art room. They walk around my nakedness.

I am proud to be the most stoical life-model ever, nude amidst a throng of cosily muffled-up, snuffly students in fingerless gloves returning for further stints at their easels, bleating about the cold.

It is Tuesday. I now have both a morning and afternoon session. I sit in the canteen and instead of eating, work on my manuscript on my netbook. My plan is to get it back to Victoria before the Easter holiday. Her suggestions have stimulated me into a radical rewrite. This is good. I feel confident about the quality of my prose. It’s becoming so much better.

This week’s topic

14. The puckered bottom
Click on the above to read more Suki-nonsense about artists and models getting old and wrinkly (my current four-week discussion). And see here for the full list of discussions on life-drawing and Life to be found on my blog.

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1. Two further SUMMER SATURDAYS 2013 at Suki’s Life Room (Bradford, UK). Book now for 17 AUGUST, 21 SEPTEMBER: six-hour pose, £18 (£9 half-day). I’ll be so grateful, I’ll ply you with coffee and brioche rolls. Plus book now for Tuesdays (re-commencing 20 AUG 2013), 10-12 noon and/or 1-3pm (can be a four-hour pose if requested), £6 per two hours or £5 if you book and pay for five two-hour sessions in advance. Info/bookings:

2. FLYING OUT OF MY CARDBOARD BOX! Half-price ‘A Small Life’ print copies are going fast! Only £6 post-free worldwide! Buy from my shop, or if you are nervous of Paypal/ online shopping, Admin ( will send you an address to which you may post a cheque.

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Artist of the week

MUSA KAROLIA is a British artist, Bradford born, of Gujarati heritage. Musa is also a life-model and a comedian. He has named his daughter after a subatomic particle.

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