Jul 252013


Kat My Very First Girlfriend’s and Sybil her Civil Partner’s opinions of Conservative Jeremy’s pics which I have just emailed to them:

Suki! These are great. “Finds me hideous”? I’m not so sure about that. I think he’s captured a lot about you, which means he’s seen it… Sybil likes the so-called ‘fat’ one best. She says “tell Suki to put some weight back on” because you were looking a bit thin at our wedding. How’s the novel coming? Got any more poems to send us? We love that.

Happy Christmas – you on your own? Best way. xxx

A solitary Christmas is actually what I need for getting the rest of Victoria’s amendments done. Christmas Day will be just me and champagne and ‘Melanie Alone’. I’ll have to pretend to the village that I’ve gone away though, or they’ll all feel sorry for me.

This week’s topic

12. Let your demon speak
Click on the above to add your thoughts to this ongoing four-week discussion about artists and madness.
And see here for the full list of discussions on life-drawing and Life to be found on my blog.

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1. Ta-DAH! YET ANOTHER FANTASTIC LIFE-ROOM audio-visual piece by photographer Bel, who accompanies me to my bookings as a fly-on-the-wall. Watch the Huddersfield Art Society at work here! And for the group’s details, click here and scroll to Huddersfield. Compare the Huddersfield life-room to the Dean Clough life-room in Halifax, UK (view the latter’s audio-visual piece here). Your comments are welcomed: please add them here (scroll to the bottom of the discussion thread).

a) SUKI’S LIFE ROOM, SAT 17 AUG, SAT 21 SEPT: central Bradford, six-hour pose, 9.30am-4.30pm, £18; £9 half-day. (Check out my four-hour TUESDAYS too, £10). Book now (limited places): admin@sukithelifemodel.co.uk
b) DEAN CLOUGH LIFE-ROOM (scroll down to Halifax), MON 19 AUG (and every Monday), 10.30-3.30, four-hour pose (I’m the model that day). £11 full day, £5.50 half-day
c) LEEDS GALLERY, THUR-FRI 22-23 AUG, 10am-4pm, two models, £25 per day, £45 both days.

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Artist of the week

This painting by SAM DALBY RP (see also pages 2 and 8 for Sam’s sketches) is hanging on the wall in Suki’s Life Room. Sam offers tutoring in portraiture in Yorkshire / UK-wide, including an imminent two-day intensive course at LEEDS GALLERY, 22-23 AUG 2013, Munro House, Leeds LS9 8AG (UK), £80, book here. (I’m the model on 23 Aug)

Sam graduated from Cleveland College of Art and Design (1997) and has had portraits included in the annual exhibitions of the BP Portrait Award (2003), Royal Society of Portrait Painters (2010, 2011), etc etc etc. Sam’s recent selection (2013) for life-membership of the elite Royal Society of Portrait Painters is the meaning of the ‘RP’ after his name.

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